The Vaonis AC022 Vespera Dual Band Filter is a dual narrowband interference filter that will significantly improve your photo quality, whether you are viewing from an urban or natural environment. By selecting very precisely the wavelengths of Hydrogen Alpha (H-alpha) and Oxygen III (O-III), found mainly in nebulae, the filter will increase the contrast between the Stellar object and the sky background. Thus, its use makes it possible to obtain a higher-quality image, with sharper stars and finer details.
The Dual Band filter has been designed to allow only two particular wavelengths to pass through to the Vespera sensor, O-III, and H-alpha. Due to the filtered wavelengths, it is particularly effective for photographing nebulae in emission (e.g., Orion nebula M42, Heart nebula IC 1805), dark nebulae endowed with hydrogen (e.g., Horsehead or Elephant’s Trunk nebula), planetary nebulae (e.g., Owl nebula M97, Dumbbell nebula M27), and supernova remnants (e.g. Veil nebula, Crab Nebula M1). For globular clusters (e.g. Hercules cluster M13, cluster M92), the selectivity of the Dual Band filter will help you obtain sharper stars.
The optical quality of the Dual Band filter has been specifically studied by our engineers to offer use at full aperture without any impact on the optical diameter of the instrument. The lens ring is equipped with an electronic micro-card that allows Vespera to detect the Dual Band filter and adapt its observation and image processing parameters. The filter features 12nm of bandwidth for each wavelength.
Designed specifically for Vespera, the filter fits easily and discreetly into the optical arm. Remove the standard Vespera lens ring and insert the Dual Band filter until you hear a click. To verify that the Dual Band filter is properly positioned, connect Vespera to your mobile device and launch the Singularity app. In the Space Center and then on the instrument screen, the word dual is shown. The use of the dual-band filter is incompatible with the observation of galaxies due to the rejection of a good part of the spectrum, which attenuates the signal of the galaxies. The filter is of little interest for the observations of the moon, individual stars, and planets. The dual-band filter is ineffective against LED lighting.
Do not expose the filter to direct sunlight. Store the filter in its box after each use to avoid dust buildup. If you notice any streaks or dust, gently clean the filter with an optical wipe, microfiber cloth, feather duster, or air blower. Do not attempt to open the lens ring that contains the filter.